added support of Oyen Digital Mobius Pro 2C RAID device: detect and display disk status, health, temperature information.added support of Terramaster D5-300 RAID enclosure: detect health, temperature and complete self-monitoring S.M.A.R.T.
status of Kingston DataTraveler MAX series pendrives
added support of Kingston DataTraveler MAX : detect health, temperature, S.M.A.R.T. page to select the sensor to be used to determine/report temperature of the drive (then showing (Active) for the selected temperature attribute on the S.M.A.R.T. multiple temperature sensors: double click on a temperature S.M.A.R.T. Show warning when the disk drive seems fake USB pendrive / SSD where the stored data may be damaged/corrupted Show warning when the disk drive reached the end of designed lifetime and the chance of sudden failure may be higher Show warning when USB 2.0 connection can degrade the disk drive due to insufficient power Show warning when USB 2.0 connection limits the performance of the disk drive additional information in text description:. detect and report USB version and generation for USB hard disks, USD SSDs, USD pendrives, USB-NVMe adapters. Information page: show device type: fixed disk or removable with "surprise remove possible" or "safely remove required". Information page: display USB ID for easier identification of drives in Windows Safely Remove Hardware devices list. added Windows 11 style hard disk icons (Configuration -> Disk Control -> Disk Icon Set) to show disk usage and the status based on Health %. changed colors and behaviour of user interface elements for improved visibility. re-designed new graphics, icons, added high resolution images for high DPI settings.
Hard Disk Sentinel Revision History Hard Disk Sentinel 6.10 () Improvements and new features: